Free Nursing Continuing Education
There are many organizations that offer accredited courses, Free Further Education through their websites. These are many demo versions or pre-registration. Registration on these sites is free. When a potential subscriber registers, the website sends the password via email. This password can be used to access all the information, such as a list of available courses, the cost and number of hours allocated to each course, as well as frequently asked questions.
For example, handles one pre-registration, free monthly course. November is a 1-hour course on `Pediatric Psychopharmacology ‘.
The list of programs offered by these sites is incredibly comprehensive and covers topics such as the following:
Special Considerations for Age in Patient Care, Alzheimer’s Disease Surveillance, Breastfeeding: Basic, ECG Interpretation: Basic Reading, Ecstasy: Under Influence, Lgy, Lgy : More Deep Skin, Ideas for Child Toxicity, Performance Improvement: Better Changes, and What’s Combined?
New Tracer method. Although most studies are 1 or 2 hours, some may last up to 8 hours or more depending on the topic.
Many of these courses use multimedia and social media platforms such as collaboration, voicemail, video conferencing, and more. They also co-host seminars that work closely with testing sessions.
At the end of any study, the end-user can take a test and have his or her work tested immediately. All of this can be done at any time convenient to the end-user.
Many Continuing Education organizations offer free courses to nurses, especially in times of need.
One such study is `Hurricane Katrina: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, a 1.5-hour course provided by Wild Iris Medical Education, as advertised on their website Such studies can be useful in the community.